Mid Michigan Veterinary Surgical Referral Center
Mid Michigan Veterinary Surgical Referral Center
Anal Gland Removal (Anal Sacculectomy)

In dogs and cats, the anal sacs are found in the 4-5 o'clock and 7-8 o'clock positions below the anus.
The anal sacs are lined with cells that secrete a fluid with a distinct odor. Normally, a small amount of this fluid is released while the pet has a bowel movement.
The anal sacs may become infected, impacted, abscess out, or develop tumors. You may notice your pet licking excessively, scooting, bleeding, or acting painful in his hind end. Your veterinarian will perform a physical exam in order to help diagnose your pet's medical problem.
In some cases, if medical therapy does not take care of the problem, surgical removal may be recommended.
Your pet will be placed under general anesthesia and the hair around the surgical site will be shaved.
Our doctors inject the anal sacs with a latex material in order to remove the glands in the most complete and safe way possible.
The entire sac is carefully dissected and removed and dissolving stitches are placed to close the incision.
Your pet will be sent home with pain medications and antibiotics. The stitches will dissolve on their own and no suture removal is necessary. The vast majority of our patients do not bother their incision and do not require an e-collar. If your pet is bothering his or her incision, you may purchase an e-collar at your veterinarian's office or a pet store.
Some common and normal post-operative complications include local bruising, swelling, and a small amount of bleeding. Typically these will resolve within 10-14 days.